Introducing the Diacom-SOLO-FREQ-Personal-Medio
The Diacom-SOLO-FREQ-Personal-Medio is registered as a pulse generator and is intended for destroying pathogenic microflora and microorganisms in various media containing at least 35% of water.
Devices of this class are mainly designed for destroying microorganisms in various environments consisting of at least 35% water. The presence of water provides electrical conductivity and, accordingly, delivery of information from the generator to the microorganism cells. When an electromagnetic field of a certain frequency is applied to a terminal cell, its membrane resonates and, as a result, is destroyed.
This small and compact device has great capabilities to destroy microorganisms that can cause various diseases. Its frequency spectrum is capable of killing pathogens that cause human and animal problems. The device is a portable device, it does not need a computer to work, and it can work up to 13 hours (the latest modification). Imagine being able to destroy microorganisms, anywhere with a portable device that fits in your pocket, with a battery life of up to 13 hours and many other great benefits, as well as the guarantee of working with the latest technology.
DIACOM TECHNOLOGY® gives you that opportunity with the Diacom-SOLO-FREQ-Personal-Medio, from now on it is possible!
The Diacom-SOLO-FREQ-Personal-Medio is registered by certification authorities as a generator of low current electromagnetic waves. The device has passed all the tests, including electromagnetic safety, environmental friendliness, as well as safety for people and animals.
Externally, the device is a box with a display, with two LEDs on the side panel, USB-connector, and connector for FREQ cables. The device is made in a housing measuring 150h90h25 mm. The package of the device includes, besides the main unit, a USB cable and FREQ cables. The device is delivered in its original case. Inside the main block there are: a radio-electronic board with components - including a communication system with a PC, a display, a lithium-polymer battery, as well as a circuit for generating low-current electromagnetic waves.
The generator is designed to affect microorganisms and primarily pathogenic microflora. With the help of this apparatus it is possible to clean various liquid media from pathogenic microorganisms, bacteria and viruses. The electromagnetic frequencies generated by the device are selective and affect a particular group of microorganisms.
To pair the device with a computer, you need to download and install the appropriate driver on your computer. The device works with freely distributed software. The recommended software for working with the device is DIACOM-GENERATOR.
Technical characteristics of the device:
Normal climatic conditions for equipment operation are:
Temperature: +25±10 °C
Relative humidity: 45–80%
Atmospheric pressure: 83–106 kPa (630–800 mmHg)
Absence of active substances in the surrounding atmosphere.
Power supply - USB-port of the computer;
Power supply voltage - 5 V;
Current consumption - up to 300 mA;
Range of generated frequencies - 1MHz-1MHz;
Pairing speed - up to 1MHz.
* The Diacom-SOLO-FREQ-Personal-Medio has an interactive update feature that allows you to download new firmware automatically to the device.
To update your device, you must follow two simple steps:
Download and install the Diacom-Updater licensed software and device driver for this device from the official website.
After installing the Diacom-Updater software, you must run it. It will automatically check for an update and if there is one, it will download the firmware to the device.
* The price does not include training and technical support.
* Diacom Technology® provides a 2-year limited warranty for this device, which does not cover batteries, cables and other consumables, as well as mechanical failure of the device caused by a fall, shock, ingress of various liquids into the device, or other types of impact on the device by users.