Dear users! We offer you our new product - Diacom Helper. The program includes unlimited possibilities of interactive user support from the manufacturer, now you do not have to download TeamViewer program or any other analogue, just install our program, connect the device and we will always be able to help you regardless of your location. The main goal of Diacom Helper is to improve the quality of our support and ensure direct communication with you - our customers. Download the Beta version now and enjoy all its options! Now we are always in touch with you!

Minimum recommended computer configuration for running the program:

  • Personal computer or laptop
  • Core i3 1.8 GHz (1800 MHz) and more
  • RAM 4 GB or more
  • 10 GB Hard SSD Free Space
  • Resolution 1366x768 High Color 16 bit
  • Diagonal 15 or more
  • Windows 10 (64 bits) and above
  • One free USB port